1. NEW: Baby Carrot
Some kids are terrified of vegetables, but this baby carrot costume brings a less frightening approach to Halloween.
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- Materials
- template
- orange and green felt
- bib
- masking tape
- black marker
- pacifier
- headband
- ribbon
- pipe cleaners
- adult-size socks pulled over shoes and tied with ribbon around ankles
- Instructions
Carrot and bib: Cut a piece of orange felt (we used 1/3 yard) into a carrot shape. Trim the top of the carrot to fit beneath the bib as shown and attach it to the back of the bib with masking tape. Add details to the front of the carrot with a black marker.
- Finishing touches: Cut out leaves from green felt using our free template, attach them to pipe cleaners with tacky glue, and wrap them around a headband.
String a pacifier onto a piece of ribbon to complete the costume.
2. Bag of Gross-eeries
It may be Halloween, but you won't find a single treat in this giant sack of groceries. Instead, this bag of tricks will fill the bill for kids who love the gross-out factor.
- Materials
- Large brown paper leaf bag (sold at many hardware stores)
- Craft knife
- Large piece of corrugated cardboard
- Double-sided foam tape
- 2 yards of 1-1/2-inch-wide black ribbon
- 25- by 17-inch piece of white poster board
- Double-sided clear tape
- Stapler
- Assorted clean, empty food containers, such as cereal boxes, juice jugs, and egg cartons
- Markers and self-adhesive labels
- Rubber rat, cockroaches, and chicken
- Balloons, stocking leg, string, and foam packing peanuts
- Yellow acrylic paint and white glue
- Instructions
- Cut the bottom off the leaf bag. If there's lettering on the bag, turn it inside out.
Measure the opening at the bag's top (the one shown here is 15 by 12 inches) and cut a piece of cardboard that is the same width but 4 inches longer (ours is 15 by 16 inches). Fold up 2-inch flaps in the front and back of the cardboard.
- Cut a hole in the middle of the cardboard big enough for your child to fit through. Apply double-sided foam tape to the flap backs and stick the cardboard in place inside the very top of the bag.
Fold the ribbon in half and join the fold with double-sided foam tape to the underside of the cardboard insert near the back of the bag.
Make a milk carton hat by creasing the white poster board as shown and then cutting an opening for your child's face in the front panel.
Shape the creased poster board into an open carton, sticking the edges together with double-sided clear tape. Then pinch and fold the upper edges, as shown, and staple the carton top closed.
- Now fill the top of the bag with Gross-eeries by decorating assorted clean, empty food containers with handprinted or downloadable labels, such as Sour Milk, Surreal Cereal, Rotten Eggs, and Nasty Nibbles.
Tape the items to the inner bag. Once your child has stepped into the finished costume, use the foam tape to secure the loose ends of the ribbon to the inner front of the bag to make shoulder straps.
How To Make Spoiled Goods
Make rotten sausage links by inserting inflated balloons into a long stocking leg and tying knots between the links. You can even tape on foam packing peanut maggots (yuck!).
Cut a hole in the front of a box and add a rubber rat, tape rubber cockroaches to the bag, or stuff a rubber chicken in among the other Gross-eeries.
Create a slimy blob of egg yolk by mixing 1 part yellow acrylic paint with 3 parts white glue. Cover a piece of cardboard with plastic wrap and pour the glue mixture over it. Let the mixture dry for 1 or 2 days, then peel it from the wrap and glue it to the bag.
- Cut the bottom off the leaf bag. If there's lettering on the bag, turn it inside out.
3. NEW: Bedbug
Create a cute bedbug costume so your child can creep and crawl around the neighborhood looking for treats.
- Materials
- template
- pipe cleaner
- craft foam
- duct tape
- poster board and ribbon
- robe and pillowcase
- headband
- Instructions
- Antennae: Wrap a pipe cleaner around a headband so that the two ends stick up at an angle.
- Bedtime attire: A robe works best as a base for the legs and a pillowcase can be used as a candy collector.
- Legs and sign: Use our free template to draw insect legs on craft foam. Cut out the forms and place duct tape on the ends closest to the body. Tape the legs behind the robe's collar.
For the sign, write a message on poster board and hang it around your child's neck with ribbon.
- Antennae: Wrap a pipe cleaner around a headband so that the two ends stick up at an angle.
4. Big Bug
The whole neighborhood will be abuzz with admiration once this iridescent trick-or-treating beetle is spotted on Halloween night.
- Materials
- Plastic yogurt lid (8-ounce size)
- 3 black pipe cleaners
- Black knit cap
- Tacky glue
- 2 red glitter pom-poms
- 2 large Styrofoam balls
- Silver spray paint
- Plastic serrated knife
- Black and red craft foam
- 2 white glitter pom-poms
- White chalk or pencil
- 1 yard of black cotton fabric
- 1 yard each of lightweight metallic red fabric and lightweight silver fabric
- 1 yard of fusible web
- Iron
- Black sweatshirt and sweatpants
- Pins, sewing machine
- Instructions
For the head: First, create the beetle's antennae. Make 2 holes an inch apart in the center of the yogurt lid. Fold a pipe cleaner in half and push the ends up through the holes in the lid. Then, from inside the knit cap, thread the ends of the pipe cleaner up through the weave at the top of the hat (the lid should lie snugly against the inner fabric). Lengthen the antennae by twisting another pipe cleaner around each protruding end, then glue the red glitter pom-poms to the tips.
For the eyes: Spray paint the Styrofoam balls silver. Once they are dry, use the plastic knife to trim a half inch from the back of each ball to create a flat surface. Cut out 2 half-dollar-sized black foam circles and glue them to the centers of the silver eyes. Affix a white glitter pom-pom atop each black circle. Now glue the eyes flat side down to the center front of the cap. Finally, cut out a pincer-style red foam mouth and glue it to the lower front of the hat.
For the wings: Fold the silver fabric in half lengthwise and place it on a flat work surface with the fold on the right side. Starting at the upper right corner, draw a large teardrop-shaped wing with the chalk or pencil. (Note: Be sure the top quarter of the wing incorporates the fold.) Cut along the lines through both layers of the fabric. Then use the folded cutout as a pattern for making a matching pair of wings out of the black cotton fabric. Spread open the black wings so that the fabric is right side up.
Next, fold the red fabric in half lengthwise and cut out broad zigzag stripes. Lay the stripes in place atop the black wings and trim the edges, if needed. Use the trimmed stripes as patterns to cut out matching pieces from the fusible web. Fuse the web to the stripes with a warm iron according to the manufacturer's directions. Then remove the web's paper backing and iron the stripes onto the black wings.
Finally, place the silver wings, right side down, atop the striped wings and pin together the edges. Sew along all of the edges, except for the wing tops, removing the pins as you go. Turn the sewn pieces right side out. Fold in the open edges of the wing tops about an inch, and stitch the folds together. Securely safety pin or stitch the wing tops to the upper back of the sweatshirt.
- Finishing touches: All your child need do is don the winged sweatshirt, sweatpants and decorated cap, and he's ready to fly.
5. Bug-Eyed Bug
You and your child will surely see eye-to-eye if you make this outfit for him.
- Materials
- 5-inch Styrofoam ball
- Bright green glitter acrylic paint
- Paintbrush
- 2 pencils
- Tacky glue
- 150 (approximately) 10mm black sequins
- Black knit hat
- Double-sided foam mounting tape
- 2 green pipe cleaners
- Clear packing tape
- 9- by 12-inch sheet of white craft foam
- Black masquerade mask (available at party stores for about $1)
- 2 (12- by 18-inch) sheets of black craft foam
- 12- by 18-inch sheet of dark green craft foam
- 8 (18-inch) pieces of cloth-covered 20-gauge floral wire
- 5 pieces of iridescent cellophane wrap, at least 15 by 24 inches each
- 2 large glue sticks
- Hole punch
- 3 yards of 1-inch-wide black ribbon
- Gloves
- Instructions
- To Make the Head: Using a serrated bread knife (a parent's job), cut the Styrofoam ball in half. Paint both halves, including the bottoms, and let them dry overnight. Tip: We poked a pencil into the bottom of each to hold while painting, then set each pencil in a heavy glass until the paint dried.
- With the tacky glue, attach the sequins to the round portion of each piece of Styrofoam (a great job for kids).
- Have your child put on the hat, then attach the eyes with the double-sided tape. Attach the pipe cleaners to the back of the hat with packing tape, then fold over the tips. Have him take off the hat.
For the mandible, cut the white craft foam as shown (you can download the template here. Attach the foam to the inside of the mask with double-sided tape.
- To Make the Body: Cut a wing from each sheet of black craft foam, then cut a chest plate from green craft foam (download the template for the wing and template for the chest.)
- Fold over the tips of the floral wire for safety. With the packing tape, attach the wires to the wings and chest as shown, covering each completely (the wire will allow you to shape the wings and chest plate later on).
- Crinkle each piece of cellophane. Use a glue stick to cover the non-wired side of the chest plate with glue and press 1 piece of wrinkled cellophane onto the foam. Trim any excess cellophane and press again. Repeat for both sides of the wings.
Once the glue is dry (about 30 minutes), punch holes near the top corners of each foam piece, as shown, at least 1/2 inch in from any edges (to prevent tearing). Thread the ribbon through the wings and chest plate as shown so that the ends of the ribbon come out the underside of the chest plate.
To Don the Costume: Slip the wings and chest plate over your child's head. Tighten the ribbon so the corners of the chest plate and wings rest near one another at your child's shoulders and the wings overlap slightly in the back. Cross the ribbon over his chest and then tie the ends together in the back. Put on the mask, hat, and gloves.
- To Make the Head: Using a serrated bread knife (a parent's job), cut the Styrofoam ball in half. Paint both halves, including the bottoms, and let them dry overnight. Tip: We poked a pencil into the bottom of each to hold while painting, then set each pencil in a heavy glass until the paint dried.
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