1. Wicked Witchy Pumpkin
Conjure up this green-faced witch for a haunting porch decoration.
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- Materials
- Pumpkin
- Green spray paint
- Tempera paint and brushes
- Carving knife
- Marbles
- Glue
- Small nails
- Black wig
- Cape
- Witch hat
- Instructions
- Begin by coating the pumpkin with green spray paint.
- Add facial features with tempera paint.
- Next, carve out eye sockets and lodge the marbles inside to form her beady eyes. Break off the top stem and reattach it to the pumpkin with glue for the witch's nose.
- To finish, fix the black wig in place with small nails and add the cape and hat. My...pretty!
- Begin by coating the pumpkin with green spray paint.
2. Yummy Mummies
Filled with small candies, these simple treat holders can serve double duty as festive table decorations and party favors for your Halloween bash.
- Materials
- Toilet tissue tubes
- White paper
- Clear packing tape
- Roll of 2-inch-wide gauze
- Craft glue
- Googly eyes
- Small candies
- Instructions
For each holder, trace one end of the empty tissue tube onto a piece of white paper, then cut out the circle, making it slightly smaller than your trace line. (If you fold the paper into a few layers, you can cut out several circles at once.)
- Cut the tube in half (you can make 2 holders per tube) and tape the paper circle to the bottom of each half.
- Wrap a 2- to 2 1/2-foot strip of gauze around the tube, first taping the beginning of the gauze to the tube. Gently stretch and twist the gauze as you wrap it to give it some dimension. When you've covered the tube, cut the gauze and tuck the end under a nearby layer.
Finally, glue on googly eyes (or use the self-adhesive kind), then fill the mummy with candy treats.
3. Gauzy Ghosts
It takes practically nothing to make this family of mischievous sprites.
- Materials
- Different-size plastic milk jugs or juice bottles
- Laundry starch
- Aluminum foil
- Paper towels
- White gauze or cheesecloth
- Instructions
- Top each jug or bottle with a ball of crumpled aluminum foil.
- Cut white gauze or cheesecloth into 18-inch squares (one square for each ghost). Dip the gauze squares into a bowl filled with laundry starch. Pull them out one at a time and squeeze out the excess moisture. Drape a square over each bottle.
- To shape the ghosts' shoulders and arms, loosely pile crumpled aluminum foil near the bottle and drape the gauze over it. Flare out the lower edges of the gauze and let dry overnight. (To make a dog, simply drape a small square of gauze over shaped foil.)
- Once they've dried, carefully lift the ghosts from their bottles. They should stand freely on a flat surface.
- Top each jug or bottle with a ball of crumpled aluminum foil.
4. Mr. Bottle Bones
Resurrect recycled milk jugs into a life-size skeleton.
- Materials
- 8 or 9 clean, plastic gallon jugs
- String
- Scissors
- Craft knife
- Glue gun
- One-hole punch
- Neon paint (optional)
- Instructions
- To make the head, choose a jug with a pair of circular indentations opposite the handle and turn it upside down. In the corner, opposite the handle, cut out a large, smiling mouth, centered under the indented "eyes." Make two small slits in the top of the head and tie a loop of string through them for hanging the finished skeleton.
- For the chest, cut a vertical slit down the center of a right-side-up jug, directly opposite the handle. Cut and trim away plastic to make the rib cage. Glue the head and chest together at the "neck" by connecting the spouts of the two jugs with a thick band of hot glue. Hold the jugs together for a few minutes until the glue cools.
- To form shoulders, cut off two jug handles (leaving a small collar on the ends) and attach them to the chest section with hot glue. Punch a hole at one end of each shoulder.
- For hips, cut all the way around a jug, about 4 1/2 inches up from the bottom. Take the bottom piece and trim away a small smile shape from each side to make a four-cornered shape. Punch holes in two opposite corners.
- Make a waist by cutting out two spouts, leaving a 1/2-inch collar on each. Glue the spouts together and let dry. Then, hot-glue the waist to the bottom of the chest and the top of the hip section.
- Form arms and legs by cutting eight long bone shapes from the corner sections of three jugs (cut into the curved shape of the jug to make the bones even more realistic). From four of these bones, cut out the center to make lower limbs (forearms and shins). Punch a hole through the ends of all eight bones. Use string to tie two arm sections to each shoulder and two leg sections to each hip.
- Let kids trace their hands and feet onto the side of a jug, then cut out the shapes. Punch holes in the hands and feet, and tie them onto the arms and legs.
- To make the head, choose a jug with a pair of circular indentations opposite the handle and turn it upside down. In the corner, opposite the handle, cut out a large, smiling mouth, centered under the indented "eyes." Make two small slits in the top of the head and tie a loop of string through them for hanging the finished skeleton.
- Variations:
- Paint Mr. Bones a neon color to make him appear to glow.
5. Pumpkin Candleholders
Light up the dinner table with these autumn-inspired candleholders.
- Materials
- Mini pumpkins
- Carving knife
- Small spoon
- Tapered candles
- Instructions
- Cut the top off a mini pumpkin, making sure the hole is no bigger than a quarter.
- Remove the seeds with a small spoon.
- Stick a candle into the hole and enjoy dinner by candlelight.
- Cut the top off a mini pumpkin, making sure the hole is no bigger than a quarter.
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